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Olympic Medalist Talks about MCAA

November 01, 2012 - 5 minute read

Misty May-Treanor

三届奥运会金牌得主米斯蒂·梅-特雷纳决定攻读教练和体育管理硕士学位,为她退役后的职业生涯做准备, 她选择了康考迪亚大学的教练和体育管理硕士(MCAA)项目.

"Coaching has always been a passion of mine, and nowadays you need your master's degree," May-Treanor says. "Concordia had everything I was looking for."

梅-特雷纳是历史上最成功的沙滩排球运动员,职业生涯赢得107场比赛. 她和前搭档Kerri Walsh Jennings在2012年伦敦奥运会上史无前例地获得了第三枚金牌.

"I was very happy with my experience at Concordia," she says. “教授和系里的每个人都给了我很好的指导. I felt that reading over the philosophy of the program, and especially of the University as a whole, that those traits would help coaches be better people, to act in certain manner. That's one of the reasons I felt this was the program for me. They send good, solid people into the community."

May-Treanor's inspiration to coach came from her parents, 1968 volleyball Olympian Butch May and Barbara May, a nationally-ranked tennis player. 两人都是多年的排球教练,米斯蒂在圣莫尼卡码头打沙滩排球长大. 她是纽波特港高中和加州州立大学长滩分校的室内排球冠军, and switched to sand in 1999. 她和当时的队友霍莉·麦克皮克参加了2000年奥运会.

但正是她与沃尔什的合作,让她们成为了世界沙滩排球的代言人. The duo won gold in Athens at the 2004 Olympics, 在2008年北京奥运会上再现了这一壮举,并在2012年伦敦奥运会上出人意料地强势夺冠.

“我们一起成长,一起学习比赛,”梅-特雷纳说. "It was special to win."


梅-特雷纳说:“我们不是大团队的一员,所以必须保持积极性. “我们互相依靠,保持一致,完成工作. It was our career so we took it upon ourselves. 我们不会因为出现在比赛中而获得费用或奖金. We have to earn it. 我必须照顾好我的身体,接受训练,确保我能做到最好."

梅-特雷纳在赌博十大平台排行接受的教育完全符合她繁忙的日程安排,她一年24周都要去参加比赛. 她回忆起在巴西登陆康考迪亚网站的情景, 在飞机上下载家庭作业写论文.

Misty May-Treanor

“教授们和你一起工作,他们明白,那些有工作的人上这些课是为了继续他们的教育,在他们工作的地方获得更好的职位," she says. "They make the workload appropriate."

康考迪亚大学的MCAA教授都是在各自领域拥有丰富经验的实践者. 赌博十大平台排行是美国首批提供教练和体育管理硕士学位的大学之一, 它仍然是唯一一所提供强大的实践培训,以道德和品格建设为基础的学校. 在不到7年的时间里,这个开创性的项目已经从12名学生发展到数百名在校和在线获得学位的学生.


"It was like, 'Do I know how to write a paper again?'" she says. "Suddenly I was back at it. School was exciting again. 这一次,我更加感激学校,因为我明白,‘这将把我带到B点.“我想当教练,这能让我在获得硕士学位后拥有一份更好的简历. Each class was very interesting. 我学到了一些东西,使我能够适应自己的风格,这样当我出去执教时,我就能取得成功. Each class helped developed my thinking as a coach."

She points to classes such as Coaching Philosophy, Strength and Conditioning, 以及《赌博十大平台排行》,这些课程提供了实践准备以及对优秀教练的基本评估.

"It makes you ask, how do I want to be as a coach?" she says. “因为在一天结束时,这不是输赢的问题. You want to leave a lasting footprint. 在我的职业生涯中,所有的教练都让比赛变得如此有趣,并教会了我很多东西. That's what I hope to pass on to the next generation. I want to be the type of coach that kids respect, work hard for and hopefully inspire them to be a coach someday."

梅-特雷纳创办了M2排球训练营和诊所,向年轻运动员和教练传授技能和技巧,使他们成为最好的运动员和教练. She also competed on Dancing With the Stars 但在练习狐步舞时,跟腱受伤,这可能会结束他的职业生涯.

她说:“我以前也受过伤,但这是最糟糕的一次。. "It was a year before I could run and jump. You have to learn how to walk again."

这次受伤加速了她从运动员到教练的转变, 但后来她注意到,她正在康复的腿已经能够承受激烈的比赛了.

"I was very surprised," she says. “在我开始参加更高水平的比赛之前,我从来没有想过我会回来参加这次奥运会."

她和沃尔什再次合作,很快就跻身世界前三. 他们以老将的身份前往伦敦,与来自南美等地的如饥似渴的球队争夺冠军, China and Europe.

在获胜之前,梅-特雷纳决定这将是她最后一次参加比赛,无论输赢. 她现在期待着转向家庭和全职教练.

"I want to coach indoor again. I miss the big team," she says. "The strategy and timing are a bit different. 沙滩选手更多的是特立独行者,而室内比赛则更加统一. But it's the same skill."

我对这个项目非常满意,所以我强烈推荐它...You should look into this program, especially if you want to continue playing, because it works with your schedule. And I love the campus.

She also wants to spend time with family and friends, making up for countless weekends away at tournaments. 她的丈夫马特·特雷纳是洛杉矶道奇队的捕手.

梅-特雷纳于2013年5月完成了她在康考迪亚大学的学位. "I was so happy with the program that I recommend it highly, especially to a lot of my colleagues who are players," she says. "I say, 'You should look into this program, especially if you want to continue playing, because it works with your schedule.' And I love the campus."

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