

2024年4月3日 - 5分钟阅读

教练杰森·内格罗,21届MCAA, one of the most successful high school football coaches in the country, was named 康科迪亚的专业成就 2024年校友奖获得者.

“I was proud to be able to go through the program,内格罗教练说 of his experience in Concordia’s Masters of Coaching and 正规赌博十大平台排行 Administration program 成为金鹰队的校友.

自2010年以来,内格罗教练一直领导圣. John Bosco Catholic all-boys school football team to two national championships and launched multiple players into the National Football League and other successful careers.

“No way did I ever think we could do what we’re currently doing,他说, 指的是足球队的迅速崛起. “但我最自豪的是,14年后, our program still has room to grow and our best days are still ahead of us.”

Coach Negro was raised in Bellflower, where his mother still lives in same house he grew up in. 他和他的兄弟们在圣. 20世纪80年代的约翰·博斯科, and he became a four-year athlete — “better as a baseball player” than as a football player, 他说. But after graduating from college and becoming a math teacher, 执教足球成了他的爱好.

“这就是我的大脑工作方式,”他说. “数学是一个非常需要解决问题的专业. I liked the schematics and strategy of football, the quick- paced action. Football forces you to make a decision within a 25- to 40-second time period. 每隔25到40秒你就得喊一次. 我喜欢这款游戏,也喜欢它的数据分析. 很适合我的风格.”

More than that, he believed the culture of football could build greatness into young men. He coached the Trabuco Hills High School football team for seven years while serving as a full-time math teacher there. In 2009, his alma mater failed to make the playoffs for a seventh consecutive year and called Coach Negro, hoping a coaching change would give the program a shot in the arm.

His task was daunting: the Trinity League is one of the most highly competitive in the nation, 这里是奥兰治县五所富裕学校的所在地, 而博斯克位于一个相对不利的地区.

“我们是异类,内格罗教练说, “而是我们经济上缺乏的东西, 我们的性格和文化弥补了这一点.”

没过多久,我就回到了胜利的轨道上. 这是内格罗教练执教的第三年, 勇士队保持不败(16胜0负), 赢得三位一体联赛冠军, 并进入了Pac 5的半决赛. They won the Open Division California State Championship Title with a 20-14 victory over annual contender De La Salle High School, and received a #1 National Ranking Title by Max Preps and USA Today. At the conclusion of the historic season, Coach Negro served as an assistant coach for the U.S. 在德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥举行的全美陆军碗比赛.


从那时起, 博斯克一直是一个长盛不衰的劲敌, but Coach Negro has never felt drawn to coach at the college or even professional levels because of his strong sense of mission at the high school.

“One of the greatest reasons I haven’t gone to the college level is because the work I’m doing here is missionary work,他说. “我想我被安置在这里是有目的的. I don’t think I would have as great an impact on the development of young adolescents in the collegiate level or in the professional ranks. 我喜欢和14到18岁的孩子一起工作. That is my area of strength and I think I’m having a pretty big impact because I can see how well our kids are able to develop as football players and men of character, 在比赛之外的生活中取得成功. 这是我的主要目的.”

他以前的队员在运动内外都表现出色. 2024年超级碗之后, Coach Negro texted congratulations to Kansas City Chiefs cornerback Trent McDuffie, a Bosco graduate who has two Super Bowl rings in his first two years in the National Football League. 其他已经成为职业球员的博斯克校友还有怀亚特·戴维斯, 谁在纽约巨人队的进攻线上打球, and quarterback Josh Rosen who was drafted in the top 10 by the Arizona Cardinals, 还有特雷尔·拜纳姆, 谁在洛杉矶闪电队打球.

我给他们发短信说, “好工作,’ and now that they’re celebrities they are slower to get back to me,内格罗教练说. “We stay really close with our players because they know we care about them as men.”

Coach Negro is just as quick to praise former players who pursue careers in law, 医学, 和业务.

他说:“我们的孩子在各个领域都很出色。. 内格罗教练那么成功,为什么还报名参加 康考迪亚大学的MCAA项目 in 2019?

他说他一直在宣扬终身学习的价值, so when he heard that a coach on his staff had started 康考迪亚大学的MCAA项目, 内格罗教练做了一个草率的决定, 说, “你知道吗?? 我也要这么做.”

“I took a leap of faith, applied and once I got in, there was no looking back. 我接受了这个项目,”他说.

While taking classes, he was also leading Bosco to its second national championship. The Braves made their record- setting seventh straight appearance at the CIF-SS Open Division Finals, defeating rival Mater Dei in a come-from- behind win to earn the CIF Championship. 该队被评为无可争议的全国冠军, and Coach Negro was named Press-Telegram Dream Team Coach of the Year and CIF-SS Open Division Coach of the Year.

“当我开始这个项目时,这是一个冒险的任务,他说, “但我想实践我所宣扬的. I constantly tell our kids that they need to go to college, or do post-graduate work and beyond. How can I say that when I only had a bachelor’s of science degree in mathematics? What better way for me to encourage my student-athletes to be better versions of themselves?”

He found himself taking a course from Concordia adjunct instructor Rick Curtis, who had competed against him and Bosco as the head coach at Santa Margarita for some years.

“Now I was learning from him about strategic ways to become a better leader,内格罗教练说. “这是我永远无法取代的. 你总是有成长和学习的空间.” Coach Negro believes that “all great coaches are ultimately good teachers.他的主要关注点,以及圣. John Bosco, remains to train young men in adolescence to be successful adults in society.

“My philosophy of coaching fits directly into the philosophy of the school: teaching morality and good decision-making,内格罗教练说. “I have a platform on which I can do it, with the Lord being right there with me. 从基督徒的角度去做只会加强它.”

最终, Coach Negro says the “cornerstone of our success is the human capital I surround myself with. 我让有才能的人去做他们能做的工作.”
